Hard to Block

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  • In-Game Text: "Subtract <x> when rolling to block this card."

[edit] Game Effect

Hard to Block triggers under a very specific circumstance: when a Block card with a Chance component reacts as a defense against a card with this property. The original die roll is made, then the Hard to Block number is subtracted from the result. Only if the final total is equal to or greater than the Chance prerequisite will the Block succeed. If more than one Block (with Chance) activates on a play, the modifier applies each time. Hard to Block has no effect unless Chance is rolled; not every Block card does so.

  • Multiple cards (including effects other than Hard to Block) may alter a single die roll, with each activating in sequence; in no case may the result of any modifier cause the number rolled to go below 1 or above 6.

Hard to Block does not change die rolls for any other class of card.

[edit] General Strategy

  • The usefulness of Hard to Block is directly proportional to the number and success percentage of Block cards in the target's hand.
  • Using Hard to Block may reveal an enemy's Block card(s) when it reacts — but with greater than normal odds in your favor.
  • On the other hand, a failed Block returns to the owner's hand, so Hard to Block cards are less effective when you hope to force a Block to discard.

[edit] Against opponents who use Hard to Block:

  • Consider other means of defense, such as staying out of range or Armor cards.
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